We offer the convenience and peace of mind of secure online payment by credit or debit card. You can manage cards online at https://clients.engineroomtechnology.com/clientarea.php?action=creditcard

When we receive your credit or debit card payment,  your domain name and service renewals will be made automatically.

To add and manage a card on your account

  1. Log in to your account at https://clients.engineroomtechnology.com *
  2. On the main menu, choose Billing > Manage Credit Card 
  3. Follow the instructions on screen to set up, edit or remove a payment card.

To pay an existing invoice by credit or debit card

  1. Log in to your account at https://clients.engineroomtechnology.com *
  2. On the main menu, choose Billing > My Invoices
  3. Click on an unpaid invoice
  4. In the drop down menu under Payment Method, change the payment method to Credit or debit card
  5. Click Pay Now
  6. Complete the form according to instructions to either choose an existing card or add a new card.
  7. Your services are renewed automatically when payment is confirmed. 

* Use the email address to which we send email correspondence such as invoices & reminders about your account.

Important Information

  • Please note that for your security we do not store your card details;  we only store an encoded token which enables us to charge your card for future recurring payments, without the need to re-enter card details.
  • This facility is provided by our secure card payment partner Stripe. Your card details are safely and securely stored by Stripe in the banking system and are not stored on our system.
  • While we endeavour to ensure all renewals are made automatically, we strongly recommend using a WHOIS search to confirm that your domain renewals have been completed. This is because factors outwith our control can, on rare occasions, delay renewal.
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