Here's how to make basic edits to HTML pages and other files via your cPanel control panel.

  1. Please log in at - use the main email address for your account* to log in. Please use the forgot password link to reset your password if necessary.
  2. On the main (top) menu, click Services > My Services.
  3. On the My Products & Services page, click the green "active" button beside the website you wish to edit.
  4. In the Quick Shortcuts panel, click File Manager
  5. In the main File Manager pane , double-click public_html . This brings you to the folder where your website files are stored.
  6. Click once on a file, e.g. index.html (for example, to edit a home page) to select it.
  7. Click the HTML editor button on the grey bar towards the top of the screen (for HTML files) or the Edit button (for other file types, e.g. php, phtml, tpl)
  8. Click Edit on the dialog box that appears.
  9. Make the changes as required and click Save when done.

* this is the email address to which we send correspondence, invoices etc.

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