1. To change contact details or address on a domain name, visit your account at https://clients.engineroomtechnology.com
  2. Once logged in, from the top menu, choose Domains > My Domains.
  3. Click the Manage (spanner icon) button next to the domain you wish to edit.
  4. For certain domains (.com, .net, .org and others), you must unlock the domain before editing:
    1. From the Manage menu on the left, choose Registrar Lock.
    2. Click Disable registrar lock.
      Important: Remember to lock the domain again after editing.
  5. Once unlocked, or if lock is not applicable (e.g. to .uk domains), proceed to edit the details:
    1. From the Manage menu on the left, choose Contact Information.
  6. Edit the contact details as required following the options and guidance on screen.


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