Each email account has a quota, i.e. a maximum amount of disk space which is allocated for its use. This amount is also deducted from the overall space available to your hosting package, which itself has a maximum quota set. You can therefore adjust the quota for the account within the available overall quota for the site.

  1. To check or change the quota for an email account, log in to your account here at clients.engineroomtechnology.com.
    (log in with either the main email address for your master account with us or a sub-user of your master account, not the individual email user).
  2. On the top menu choose Services > My Services.
  3. On the My Products & Services page, click the green active button next to the relevant service.
  4. On the left menu, under Actions, click login to cPanel.
  5. In the cPanel control panel, in the Email section, click Email Accounts.
  6. Click Manage next to the email account for which you wish to change the quota.
  7. Scroll to Allocated Storage Space and enter a new value in MB e.g. 1024MB, 2048MB etc.
  8. Scroll down and click Update Email Settings.
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