Log in to your account at https://clients.engineroomtechnology.com to access your email user name and password details.

Auto Discover Settings

Example is for Windows 10.

  1. On the task bar, click Search, search for Outlook
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Choose IMAP.
  4. When prompted, enter Password
  5. Auto-configuration runs

Manual Settings

  1. On the task bar, click Search, search for Outlook
  2. In Outlook, choose File > Info > Add Account
  3. Enter your email address and under Advanced Options, check "Let me set up my account manually". Click Connect.
  4. Choose IMAP
  5. For incoming mail:
    1. Server: mail.mydomain.com (replacing mydomain.com with your own domain name)
    2. Port: 993
    3. Encryption method: SSL/TLS
    4. Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA): no - do not check this box
  6. For outgoing mail:
    1. Server: mail.mydomain.com (replacing mydomain.com with your own domain name)
    2. Port: 465
    3. Encryption method: SSL/TLS
    4. Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA): no - do not check this box
  7. Click Next.
  8. Enter Password, and click Connect
  9. Configuration runs; click Done when complete.

Note: outgoing mail requires authentication. This should be set automatically during the above setup process, but to verify this:

  1. Go to File > Info > Account Information > Account Settings > Server Settings > Outgoing Mail.
  2. Ensure the box beside "My outgoing (SMTP) server requires authentication" is checked.
  3. Ensure "Use same settings as my incoming mail server" is selected.
  4. Click Next to finish this check.

Example of correctly configured IMAP email in Outlook, Office 365

IMAP settings in Outlook - incoming mail
Incoming mail


IMAP settings in Outlook - outgoing mail
Outgoing mail

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