To transfer a .com, .org or .net domain name to Engine Room Technology, follow these steps.

Make preparations

  1. Visit the control panel for your existing registrar and unlock the domain name .
  2. Obtain an authorisation code (also known as an auth code EPP code or transfer key) from your current registrar.
  3. Verify the administrator's contact information for the domain is correct and that you can receive email on this address.
    You will be sent emails requiring you to confirm approval of the transfer during the transfer process, so it is essential that you can receive emails on this account.

Start the transfer process

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your domain name in the domain search box (under Begin the search for your perfect domain name...) and click the Transfer button
  3. If your domain is available for transfer, this will be confirmed on screen. Click the continue button.
  4. Add options (e.g. hosting) if required and choose nameservers - either:
    1. use our nameservers if you plan to host with us now, or...
    2. use existing nameservers if you plan to transfer hosting later or remain at another provider.
  5. Enter your details and complete the process as indicated on screen. 
  6. Please enter payment details. As part of the transfer cost, the domain will be renewed for an additional year.

Important notes

  • Please note that certain domains cannot be transferred within 60 days of registration or previous transfer, unless this restriction is waived by the losing registrar.
  • Nameservers: please ensure that you select the correct option when choosing to use our nameservers or retain existing nameservers. If transferring a domain at the same time as ordering a hosting package with us, ensure you choose to use our nameservers or you will be unable to access the website or email on your new package, and may lose email until this is rectified. If uncertain, please contact us for assistance.
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