This article describes methods by which you can delete unwanted email to free up disk space.

Important - these methods describe ways to permanently delete mail and cannot be reversed.

You may alternatively wish to increase the quota on an email account instead. See the article on email quota for more information.

Via email client

  1. The simplest method is open your email application (E.g. Outlook, Apple Mail).
  2. In the inbox or other folders (e.g. junk), select all messages to be deleted.
  3. Be sure to empty the trash after as this counts towards the total disk space used.

Via webmail

  1. Log in to your webmail  - login instructions for webmail
  2. In the inbox or other folders (e.g. junk), select all messages to be deleted.
  3. Again, be sure to empty the trash as well.

Via cPanel

  1. If you have a lot of email to delete, these methods may be impractical and you will need to log in to cPanel.
  2. Once logged in, go to Email > Email Accounts
  3. Next to the account from which you wish to remove mail, click Manage.
  4. Under "I want to …", click Free up Email Storage.
  5. Under Actions, click Manage beside the relevant mailbox.
  6. Select from the available options for Messages to delete: (e.g. All Messages, One year old or more etc).
  7. Click Delete Permanently.


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